IFC is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. By encouraging growth, IFC advances economic development, creates jobs and improves the lives of people.
IFC advances economic development and improves the lives of people by encouraging the growth of the private sector in developing countries. We achieve this by investing in impactful projects, mobilizing other investors, and sharing expertise.
As the largest global development institution focused on the private sector, IFC operates in more than 100 countries around the globe. We apply lessons learned in one region to solve problems in another.
Our impact improves lives. IFC brings a clear set of advantages to the world’s most challenging markets. Including a history of innovation, a global mandate, and a determination to achieve measurable development impact.
Owned by 186 member countries and consistently rated AAA/Aaa. IFC aims to achieve our mission of promoting development by providing debt and equity to the private sector, through a range of benchmark and bespoke products.
In 2017, IFC developed an ex-ante impact assessment tool—the Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring (AIMM) system. The tool enables us to better define, measure, and monitor the development impact of each project. IFC currently scores all of its investment projects for development impact using the AIMM system and has recently started to rate advisory service projects. The AIMM system is now fully integrated into IFC’s operations, allowing development impact considerations to be weighed against a range of strategic objectives, including volume, financial return, risk, and thematic priorities.
The AIMM system helps operationalize IFC’s strategy (“IFC 3.0”) by providing a robust operational framework that:
The AIMM system incorporates several innovative approaches to assess development impact.
Since January 2018, IFC has rated all new investment projects, providing a numeric score for each investment that represents ex-ante the project’s expected quantum of development impact. IFC has assessed over 1,400 investment projects (committed and uncommitted) for their expected development impact and assigned ex-ante—or expected—AIMM scores to each of them.
IFC has developed over two dozen sector frameworks to assess projects across all four IFC industries. These sector frameworks are a step-by-step guide to assessing IFC projects, providing an analytical frame to facilitate judgments of a project’s expected outcomes and contribution to market creation.
Sector frameworks help assess desired effects by assigning ratings in four areas:
Gap: How big is the problem IFC is seeking to address?
Intensity: How much does the project contribute to the solution?
Impact potential: Based on the problem and contribution, what is the potential to deliver desired effects?
Likelihood: What is the likelihood that the project will deliver the desired effects?
Common assessment parameters are embedded across frameworks for cross-cutting themes — Environment, Climate, Economic Inclusion, Community, and Gender.
Learn more about Sector Frameworks
The monitoring of outcomes is an essential component of the AIMM system as it links ex-ante assessments with the learning and accountability function embedded in IFC’s existing results measurement system. Each development outcome claim in IFC projects is explicitly tied to one or more monitoring indicators and regularly tracked during portfolio supervision. By tracking these indicators, the AIMM system links project ratings with real-time results measurement findings.
Monitoring helps IFC:
Annual updates: Operating Principles for Impact Management
Annual updates: Operating Principles for Impact Management