IFC is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. By encouraging growth, IFC advances economic development, creates jobs and improves the lives of people.
IFC advances economic development and improves the lives of people by encouraging the growth of the private sector in developing countries. We achieve this by investing in impactful projects, mobilizing other investors, and sharing expertise.
As the largest global development institution focused on the private sector, IFC operates in more than 100 countries around the globe. We apply lessons learned in one region to solve problems in another.
Our impact improves lives. IFC brings a clear set of advantages to the world’s most challenging markets. Including a history of innovation, a global mandate, and a determination to achieve measurable development impact.
Owned by 186 member countries and consistently rated AAA/Aaa. IFC aims to achieve our mission of promoting development by providing debt and equity to the private sector, through a range of benchmark and bespoke products.
IFC has made agribusiness a priority because of its potential for broad development impact and especially strong role in poverty reduction. We combine investments and advisory services to help the sector address higher demand and escalating food prices in an environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive way.
To help clients prefinance inventories, seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals for farmers, IFC offers working capital facilities. We are helping clients maintain competitiveness, upgrade sanitary and food safety standards, and expand market access.
In FY22, our long-term commitments in agribusiness and forestry totaled about $1.1 billion, including $408 million mobilized from other investors.
We combine investments and advisory services to help the private sector address the world’s soaring demand for food in an environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive way.
Our approach in agribusiness is comprehensive and comprises the full value chain. We aim to bring land into sustainable production, improve productivity by transferring technologies and practices, and make the best use of water and other natural resources. As urbanization continues, we work to support efficient supply chains to bring safe, affordable food to cities.